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Minister's Blog

January 2024

January 2, 2024

Glorifying Christ in 2024
I have looked forward to the New Year in 2023 with a little more excitement than I have in recent years. This is not due to any troublesome things that have occurred this past year. I am simply filled with thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness during the past couple of years through transitions and new ministry startups that make me extremely hopeful for the upcoming year. I want to take this opportunity to remind you of God’s faithfulness in several areas and to ask you to pray with me for God’s continued blessing on the united efforts of His church.
Elders: For the past two and a half years our leadership has been praying, planning, and preparing to transition to a church leadership structure that would include a plurality of elders. It has been a blessing to see the unity and humility of our congregation as we have prayerfully moved forward with a by-laws revision and the election of our first lay-elders. On the evening of January 7, 5:00pm, we will install Jerry Baker, John Roebuck, and Randy Hammons to serve alongside Bro. Stephen and myself as elders of Emmanuel Baptist Church. We will pray and seek the Lord’s face in pastoring the membership and seeking direction for ministries of our church.
Sanctuary Renovation: We are ecstatic to be able to move back into the sanctuary for Sunday morning worship beginning January 7 (Lord willing)! It is a blessing to see the nearly finished product. Our renovation committee has done a wonderful job. They have gone above and beyond in their sacrifice of time and energy through this process. It is going to be a blessing to our church for many years to come! We can also praise the Lord for the faithfulness of the Lord and our people seen through their giving. It looks like we will be able to finish the renovations without incurring any debt! God is good.
Sober Living Ministries: The Emmanuel Sober Living ministry has been operating for more than a year. It did not begin in November of 2022 when we rented the first house. A group of men had already been praying and planning for some time. What a blessing to see what the Lord has done and how He has worked in the lives of men and the blessing they have been to our church. Our vision for this ministry was not simply to rent rooms and create a helpful environment to encourage sobriety. It was to disciple men and to show them how to live and thrive in and through the Body of Christ! God has been faithful. He has provided for every need. The Lord has sent the right men, house managers, employers, resources, and direction. I cannot wait for the evening of January 28. The guys from the houses will be sharing with us and we will be blessing them through a time of pounding for the houses (please bring toilet paper and paper towels) and celebration of all that God is doing through this ministry.
Men’s and Women’s Ministries: If you are not engaging in a meaningful way through the men’s or women’s ministries of Emmanuel, you are missing out. We have seen these ministries grow over the past several years. In February we will be conducting both men’s and women’s retreats. These retreats are a shot in the arm to these ministries and serve as times of refreshment, focus, and fellowship. Don’t miss out on these wonderful opportunities for connection and growth.
I cannot wait to see what God has in store for 2024! In a world that is striving after so many things, our purpose and aim is the same. We have been redeemed and reconciled to God that we might glorify and enjoy Him forever!

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