“A person ’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9
Uncertainty is always a part of life, but it has seemed to be the theme of recent months. We have, over the past two months, prayerfully considered which church services/activities are of greatest importance and slowly begun to implement these activities in a modified format. Corporate worship, prayer meetings, and small group Bible studies have begun again with risk mitigating measures. Please join us in giving praise and thanks to the Lord that we have been protected from any COVID transmission during these gatherings. We make plans, but He directs our steps.
This Sunday evening at 6:00pm we will have a members’ meeting in our sanctuary. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss plans to prayerfully move forward in the Fall, communicate plans for our ministry departments, and answer questions from our membership regarding possible future steps and contingencies. I hope you will make every effort to attend. We need to be united and informed regarding the direction and health of our church.
My family and I are so blessed to be able to look back on our first two years here at Emmanuel with joy and to look forward with optimism to what the Lord is going to do among us in the years to come. God reminds me daily of the heaviness of the calling of the pastor. It is God ’s will that we all be shepherded toward the image of our Lord Jesus. This means growing in holiness, knowledge, faith, and obedience. I have been so blessed by our church ’s receptivity to shepherding through the authoritative preaching of the Word and concrete steps that refine our focus on the mission
Christ gave us, to make disciples. I look forward to our resumption of progress in implementing our membership reconciliation plan so that we can take greater care to encourage, minister to, and hold every member accountable to progress in their sanctification. Let ’s continue to aim for spiritual health, with the Word of God and the Holy Spirit as our metric and guide, respectively.
“Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as overseers, to shepherd the church of God, which he purchased with his own blood. ” Acts 20:28